Gum Diseases

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Infections that spread around the teeth of people and are seen in the tissues that support the teeth are expressed as Gum Diseases. This situation, which can occur in individuals of all ages, can occur even without any decay in the teeth.

Among the conditions that can occur in people with Gum Disease;

  • Gum Bleeding,
  • Gum Inflammation,
  • Swelling of Gums,
  • Bad Breath and Yellowing of Teeth,
  • Weakening and Shaking of the Teeth,
  • Tooth Decays and Losses,

can be displayed.

The gingiva is an important body area that forms the basis of the mouth-tooth structure and that the discomforts it may be exposed to can endanger oral and dental health. It may be too late for treatment when Gum Diseases, which are hardly noticed at the beginning, show themselves with different symptoms in the future.

In order to have a healthy mouth-tooth structure and to avoid being exposed to Gum Diseases, first of all, correct and regular Oral - Dental Care should be done. In addition, periodic oral and dental examinations should be performed by specialist dentists in the clinical environment and existing diseases should be cured before they reach an advanced level.

Gum Diseases are diseases that cause tooth loss at least as much as dental caries, that is, they have serious negative consequences. For this reason, gingival care, doctor control and intervention when deemed necessary should be done without losing time.

As a result of Periodontology Treatment, which is successfully performed by dentists who are experts in the Treatment of Gum Diseases in dental clinics serving in many different locations in Turkey and abroad within EST Point, the problems that adversely affect the oral and dental health of the patient are eliminated.

You can contact us immediately and make an appointment for a safe, comfortable and effective treatment process that may occur in many parts of your body, especially in the mouth and teeth area due to Gum Diseases you experience for different reasons, and you can create the most suitable treatment plan for you as a result of the examination to be made by our Periodontology Specialist Physicians.

What is Gum Diseases

Gum Diseases is a disease that occurs as a result of infection of the gums due to microbes or bacteria. Infection in the gums, which are infected with bacteria and microbes, cause inflammation and subsequent irritation of the gum tissue.

Many people may experience Gum Disease at some point in their life due to the bacteria and microbes they have taken during their daily life. This gum disease can be treated without surgery at the very beginning of the disease, that is, in the early stages.

However, if the person is not aware of the Gum Disease or if he/she does not see a doctor who is an expert in the field and cares about it, and if the disease has progressed, this disease can cause serious problems. In such cases, surgical methods may be needed for the treatment of Gum Diseases.

As a result of gingival infection and early detection and treatment, the infection damages the soft tissue around the teeth. If this damage is not treated, the bony structure that supports the teeth of the individual, that is, the bony structure that the teeth are attached to, can be destroyed by the current infection.

What is Periodontology

Periodontology is the field that deals with the diseases caused by various infectious causes in the gums or the bony structure surrounding the tooth roots and the treatment of these diseases. Those who have received their expertise in the treatment of Gum Disease are called Periodontists.

Gums are in a very important position for dental and oral health. Various infectious problems that may occur in the gums or tooth loss that may occur as a result of inflammation directly affect the oral and dental health of the person. This situation has the potential to create various problems related to the general health of the person.

For this reason, oral and dental health is extremely important and people should pay attention and have it checked regularly. Early diagnosis and treatment is very important in order not to cause tooth loss due to various problems that occur as a result of Gum Diseases.

Periodontology dentistry specialization provides the continuity of the treatment phase and the continuity of the healthy structure created, while diagnosing Gum Diseases on the one hand.

What Causes Gum Diseases?

It is known that the main cause of Gum Diseases is a layer formed as a result of the combination of uncleaned food residues, called microbial dental plaque, and bacteria from saliva.

Microbial dental plaque creates destruction in the tissues around the teeth, initiating Periodontal Disease and causing Gum Diseases in the person.

Although the main factor leading to the formation of Gum Diseases is Microbial Dental Plaque, apart from this situation;

Continuous smoking

  • Some systemic diseases such as diabetes, leukemia and AIDS,
  • Stress and insomnia
  • Heart and blood pressure disorders,
  • Regular use of certain drugs such as anti-convulsants, anti-depressants and oral contraceptives,
  • unhealthy eating habits,
  • such as diseases, habits and behaviors also have a great impact on the formation of Gum Diseases.

Gum Diseases is a disease that has the potential to reach the bony structure and has enough negativity that can cause the loss of a person's teeth. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to factors that affect gum diseases such as oral care, hygiene and nutrition.

Gum Disease Symptoms

Bacterial plaque, which is a sticky, colorless film layer that constantly forms on the tooth surface, is one of the most common causes of Gum Diseases. If this plaque is not removed, it hardens and turns into calculus.

Bacterial plaque that forms tartar continues to accumulate on the surface of the calculus. Tartars are not a layer that can be removed by brushing teeth or using dental floss. It is a very hard and adherent layer. For this reason, tartar cannot be removed by natural methods. A dentist needs to clean teeth to remove tartar.

Gum Diseases can occur as a result of not cleaning the tartar and the accumulation of bacterial plaque on it. Let's try to briefly explain the question of what are the symptoms of Gum Diseases.

Gum Disease Symptoms include;

  • Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
  • Swelling, redness or tenderness in the gums,
  • Gums that move away from the tooth structure or are pulled,
  • Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth, which does not normally occur but develops later,
  • Teeth start to shake on their own even though they don't get any impact or violence,
  • A change in the way your teeth touch each other
  • Visible inflammation around the teeth and gums
  • Feeling sharp or mild aches or pains when chewing food
  • Excessive sensitivity of the teeth to heat or cold,

can be displayed.

If you feel or observe one or more of the above symptoms, you can reach our clinic and make an appointment without wasting time, and you can quickly get rid of existing problems with the examination and treatment to be applied by our Gum Disease Specialists.

What are Gum Diseases?

Today, people are exposed to many different Gum Diseases for different reasons at a certain period of their lives. Gum Disease experienced by the person manifests itself with negative effects in many parts of the body, especially in the mouth and teeth.

As the most common types of gingival diseases that occur in people due to various reasons or factors;


  • Chronic Periodontitis
  • Aggressive Periodontitis
  • Periodontitis Associated with Systemic Diseases
  • Periodontal Diseases Causing Necrosis
  • Gum Abscess
  • Periodontal Abscess

can be specified.

How to Treat Gum Diseases

With a professional tartar cleaning that will be applied to your teeth by our specialist dentists, the plaque formed and hardened as a result of tartar is removed from your teeth. The most important thing about Gum Diseases is the early detection and treatment of diseases. Surgical treatment is generally not applied when there are early recognized diseases.

First of all, in Periodontal Treatment processes, teeth and root surfaces of the teeth are cleaned, and the residues formed in the mouth and tooth roots, dental calculus and bacterial plaque accumulated in the dental calculus are cleaned. Then the patient is educated about oral hygiene and oral care.

Treatment is applied by reducing or eliminating inflammation in the gums and removing the microorganisms that cause gingivitis. However, as a result of gingival diseases that are not diagnosed early, surgical applications are also needed.

What Is Gum Diseases Good For?

When gingival diseases are noticed, a dentist or specialist who is an expert in the field should be examined. People who do not want to encounter Gum Discomfort should give utmost importance to oral care and hygiene during their daily lives and should clean their teeth regularly.

However, it is very important for the person to see the dentist regularly for oral care and dental check-up, to prevent Gum Disease or to detect the disease at the initial stage and intervene before it grows.

Gum Inflammation Causes, How It Goes

Infections that can occur in the gums due to the person's lack of attention to oral and dental care, inadequate - unhealthy nutrition and some various diseases can cause inflammation in the gums.

Gingival Inflammation, which is caused by various bacterial infections, can be stated as gingivitis and is a gingival disease that is frequently seen in people.

Usually, gingivitis heals spontaneously within a few days. It does not require any treatment other than ensuring complete oral hygiene. However, if the inflammation in the gingiva is very large and does not go away for 4-5 days, a dentist should be consulted and a specialist should be consulted.

What Causes Gum Swelling, How Does It Go?

Gum Swelling occurs when tartar or bacterial plaques remain on the tooth surface for more than a few days and harden. It is very difficult to clean with methods such as tooth brushing and flossing, which we prefer for oral care during daily life.

Plaque and tartar are the most common cause of Gingival Inflammation and subsequently Gingival Swelling.

What Causes Gum Bleeding, How It Goes

Gum Bleeding is one of the symptoms of diseases that can occur in the gums. But at the same time, bleeding gums can occur due to brushing the teeth too hard, using the dental floss too hard, or using the dentures incorrectly.

At the same time, bleeding gums is a symptom that can indicate diseases such as periodontitis, leukemia, vitamin deficiency and platelet deficiency as well as daily problems. Such symptoms are diseases that cause the gums to bleed more easily and become inflamed.

What to Do to Prevent Gum Diseases

In order to prevent Gum Diseases, attention should be paid to oral and dental care and oral hygiene. Gum Diseases is a disease that causes many different problems unless diagnosed early.

For this reason, when any of the symptoms of Gum Disease is encountered, it should be checked by a specialist dentist and regular oral care should be performed. Gum Diseases are prevented when attention is paid to such situations and when oral and dental health is regularly checked.

Gum Diseases Treatment Prices

Gum Diseases occur in people for many different reasons, especially the lack of correct and regular oral and dental care. As a result of the gingival diseases they experience, the most frequently asked question by people who want to reach our clinic and get information is how much is the Gum Disease Treatment Prices in 2023.

We invite the person to our clinic by saying that it would not be right to specify a price without examining the person in applications in the field of health. As a result of the examination made by our specialist dentists, the treatment process and cost can be clearly stated to the patient.

Gum Treatment Prices There are many different factors that cause differences in 2023. Among these factors;

  • The patient's age and genetic characteristics,
  • The type of Gum Disease that the person lives,
  • The patient's mouth and teeth structure,
  • The level of the discomfort to which the person is exposed,
  • Experience of the clinic and dentist who will perform the treatment,

can be displayed.

Call Us Now to get rid of your gum diseases and to have the aesthetic, natural and beautiful smile you dream of with the treatment techniques to be applied by our dentists who are experts in the treatment of gum diseases...



Number of Operations


Operation Duration

4-6 clock


Local Anesthesia

Sensitivity Process

1 - 3 Day

Return to Work Period

1 Day

Full Recovery

7 Day

Persistence of Results


Length of Stay in Hospital

1 Day

The main reason for the formation of Gum Diseases in humans is the lack of regular oral and dental care. With the bacteria accumulating in the teeth and gums over time leading to plaque formation, the person loses his/her health and becomes weak against the formation of Gum Diseases.

However, among the conditions that lead to the formation of Gum Diseases in humans;

  • Smoking,
  • Systemic diseases,
  • Stress and insomnia,
  • Heart and blood pressure disorders,
  • Some medicines used continuously,
  • Unhealthy diet,

can be shown.

Gum Diseases are treated in the Department of Periodontology, one of the main branches of Dentistry.

Gum Diseases Specialist is called Periodontologist. These physicians, who receive specialty training in the field of Periodontology after standard dentistry education, receive the title of Periodontologist if they successfully complete the process.

Gum Diseases are diseases that cause serious health problems if they reach advanced levels and affect the whole body of the person. Even if it is thought to affect only the teeth and mouth because it is referred to as Gum Disease, this is not exactly the case.

First of all, this condition, which causes bleeding and swelling in the gums, causes inflammation over time. This inflammation can cause not only tooth decay but also infections in many parts of the body.

Considering all these situations, it is of great importance not only for your oral and dental health but also for your general body health that you do not neglect oral and dental care and have a dental examination every 6 months.

Gum Diseases are problems that can be seen in individuals of all ages, including children. Especially in children, Gum Diseases can occur during the tooth eruption period or if food is stuck between the teeth - if not cleaned.

In addition, improper tooth brushing techniques cause tartar formation and over time, this situation turns into Gum Diseases.

Gum Diseases cause bad breath over time and this odor increases due to inflammation.

Gum Diseases are cured with the treatments to be performed by a Periodontologist specialized in this field. In addition, if oral and dental care and dental controls to be applied in the clinic are continued without interruption after treatment, this situation will not occur again.

It should be known that the most important reason for the formation of Gum Diseases is that tartar and plaques envelop the gums as a result of improper or irregular dental care. This situation is prevented by preventing this situation with daily care and deep cleaning of the gums by dentists twice a year.

Vitamin C deficiency and not drinking enough water can cause gum disease in humans. It has been observed that especially people with Vitamin C deficiency have recession in their gums.

Keeping the gums strong and healthy helps to protect the whole body health, especially oral and dental health. To have and maintain healthy gums;

  • Teeth should be brushed correctly 2 times a day,
  • Clean between teeth with dental floss once a day,
  • Dental examinations should be performed at least twice a year,
  • Eat a healthy diet,
  • Alcohol and smoking should be minimized,

should be taken into consideration.